Our express parcel delivery network services over 1800000 pin codes in the world. It can handle consignments of up to 10 kilograms with same-day and next-day capabilities and 48-96 hour deliveries for long-distance orders. We also offer heavy goods service comprising the warehousing and delivery of heavy goods, such as large electrical goods, or white goods, furniture and sports equipment, supported by our extensive pan-India network and PTL services. Additionally, we extend our express parcel services for domestic shipping, through My Post Express Direct to individual consumers from the comfort of their homes.
We are equipped with technical know-how personnel and logistics to effectively carry out assignments on the ground and in the office in a time effective manner. This facilitates giving us hands-on service to all our customers at all times.
Nulla facilisi. Sed eget nunc tempor ante varius efficitur. Praesent efficitur augue at sapien auctor, efficitur posuere lectus vulputate. Praesent vitae accumsan nisl. Morbi commodo mollis ex, sed mattis ipsum aliquam eget. Duis varius molestie elit vel ultricies. Vestibulum iaculis urna sapien, et ultricies lorem sollicitudin ac. Sed aliquet commodo dui, ut semper nisl. Mauris congue eros eget gravida lacinia.
Services is managed by high profile well known, elite and experienced personnel in the cargo and ship handling industry. Every team member has experience in the industry of not less than six (6) years. Each of them is focused on enhancing our services in a particular discipline be it customer relations, official computerised data and operations to meet the dynamism in the cargo handling industry.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc vitae luctus lorem. Sed iaculis quis metus non laoreet. Donec consequat, ex at porta hendrerit, tortor libero accumsan felis, et congue ligula erat quis mauris. Etiam aliquet metus dui, id tristique augue placerat in.